10.12.2019New Donald Trump look
For the past few years, Ben has been dressing up as Donald Trump for various corporate events. Now he’s taken the impersonation to a whole new level by getting a new face for him. Odd Studio won an Oscar for Mad Max Fury Road in 2016 and have also worked on Pirates of the Caribbean, The Matrix and more, created the face to mould perfectly to Ben’s face. To fit the mask it’s a 4 hour make-up/special FX application. The pieces are fitted on Ben’s face individually and they have also made a fat suit, eyebrows and of course the Trump wig.

Ben performed for a Harry the Hirer event in Melbourne and along with 4 secret service agents, fooled an audience of 300+ that he was the President. (Footage coming soon) Along with the voice, the tailored material and the incredible silicone latex prosthetic make-up look, Ben as Trump is ideal to make your next event great again.