Over the years Ben has been a guest on 89.9 Light FM several times. Now you can hear him every Tuesday. He’ll be Donald Trump bringing all the latest news from the US Presidential Campaign. Be sure to tune in. Here’s the 1st one;
Trump Tuesday on 89.9 Light FM
The Unusual Suspects
Ben Price has been doing impersonations since he was 10. Over the years there’s been a list of well over 100. In recent years from going on Australia’s Got Talent to Kids’ WB, everyone knows he does Arnie, Dr. Phil, Owen Wilson and Homer Simpson etc.
People always make suggestions for new characters to add to the ever increasing list. So Ben compiled a list of 85 + new characters to learn. That’s 86 if you’re doing the Maths. So in a short space of time Ben got pretty close and learned just over 60 new voices. Some include Al Pacino, Captain Jack, Jim Carrey, Robert Downey Jr (Iron Man), Nicholas Cage, Samuel L Jackson and many more. If you’ve ever seen Ben live, you’ll know all his usual suspects. In this new show it’s all new characters and all new material for the Unusual Suspects.
The 2 shows at The Pig and Whistle and Dunyazad in Melbourne were a huge success. The packed crowds loved the new characters and so all the usual ones will still be there, and many more to go with it making it close to 200 impersonations now that Ben can do.
Ben goes back on Kids’ WB for 2016
Ben Price went back on Kids’ WB for 2016. In an all-new segment, “Laugh Along with Lauren”. Watch Ben play various characters chatting to Lauren Phillips about various topics off the cuff.
Ben also got to play various characters wishing people all the best for their birthdays’. By the way if you have a birthday coming up or know a friend who does, why not book Ben to come and appear to do a show! Also visit Ben’s shop on here to purchase some of his merchandise.
Ben celebrating the Birthdays’ with Shane Crawford and Lauren Phillips on Kids’ WB on Go Channel, April 2016
Fun with AFL Team North Melbourne
Ben had a great time with AFL team North Melbourne pranking a few of their players who were in the phone room as part of their membership drive. The prank was so effective it made the daily newspapers! View the prank at the link below.
Ben Price participates in ultimate prank involving AFL North Melbourne team members
Hamish invited Ben to join him and Andy on their show on 101.9 The Fox
New Arnie Face
For years Ben has been doing Arnold Schwarzenegger on stage and even getting dressed up as Arnie. The man himself wanted to know who does the make up and said, “It looks good, she’s done a great job”. Now just like Ben’s Dr. Phil and Matt Preston and Tony Abbott etc. Ben has got the full prosthetic face made up as Arnie.
The make-up is done by Odd Studio who recently worked on the new Mad Max and Pirates of the Caribbean movies. They can transform Ben into just about anyone.
Have a look at their work on Arnie below and Tony Abbott recently. Ideal for a conference or corporate dinner.
Ben Price a regular on Kids WB!
This year Ben Price has become a regular on Kids WB on Channel Go! www.kidswb.com.au The show is on Mon-Fri 4pm-5pm | Sat & Sun 7am-11am.
Ben has appeared several times on the show as Homer, Shrek, Donkey, Gru, King Julien, Spongebob Squarepants, Patrick Star, Manny and Sid, Puss in Boots, Mr. Bean and their favourite Owen Wilson. Along with many others. Who would you like to see Ben do next?
“Ben Price is simply brilliant! His Owen Wilson impersonation would make Owen Wilson think that it’s himself.” – Aaron Smith, Executive Producer Kids WB
Here’s a few of the photos of Ben’s appearances;
Watch out for Ben in the upcoming Disco Week and you might see him commentating some sports as various Hollywood characters soon!
Ben Price in Audacity
So as many of you know I was recently in Ray Comfort’s latest movie, Audacity. Watch the clip below:
In April this year I went to Colorado, USA to attend an Ellerslie Conference. That was awesome. But whilst going through LA on the way I dropped in to see Ray Comfort. Ray is someone I have a huge admiration for. He not only talks the talk, but walks the walk. I honestly don’t know many to be as genuine in their faith in Christ as Ray. One of the most humble men of God I have met. He’s always out there sharing the good news about Jesus.
I met him through a friend of mine Chad Williams, a former US Navy Seal. I got to hang out with Chad for a couple days and he introduced me to Ray and the Living Waters team. Such a great bunch of guys. Ray filmed me promoting his movie Noah and the last days as Russell Crowe. Then a few weeks later Ray asked me to be a part of his upcoming film Audacity. I was blown away!
It had always been my ambition to get into movies and do comedy. Last year I was about to head down that path of pursuing a whole bunch of movie ideas. I had some great movie ideas and plans to do some work and had began to make contacts. But when we give up our lives for the gospel, sometimes God has other plans. In of itself the ideas weren’t bad, in fact they’re great ideas. However, I felt God asking me to lay them down and pursue God more. I felt that if they were meant to be God would give them back if not I’d be fine either way. So I didn’t quit on these projects I just offered them to God. A reminder of the Bible verse, Matthew 16:25 For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
Then not so long after this opportunity comes up. It gave me a great chance to not only be in a movie in LA, but also do comedy which I love and the movie is all about the gospel.
In mid August we left for LA, I took my wife Lisa with me and it was her first time to the US so we were very excited. Over there we stayed with the Spence family, one of if not the loveliest family in America. Mark Spence is from Living Waters and he’s a regular on The Comfort Zone.
The first day was a relaxing, getting over our jet-lag day and then the next day was a 4am wake-up to be on the set of Audacity for a 6am shoot. In the movie, I played myself. Which was strange but I guess it made it really easy for me to get completely into character. I got to throw in as much comedy as I liked and even used a few of Ray’s corny jokes. Ray by the way is quite hilarious himself. I remember he showed Lisa and I around his office and he pointed to a picture of Tom Cruise with the word “Me” on it and he said, “There’s Me on a cruise”.
Speaking of Tom, he’s one of the many voices I got to do in the film. In fact there’s a whole comedy club scene where I do several characters. It was great to shoot and also get a real laughter reaction from the crowd. Working with Travis Owens, who played Peter the main actor was great. He’s a terrific actor and it made it so easy to deliver the lines. All the crew were so good to work with.
I also loved the acting side of it. I had so much fun doing it. Every time I was feeling a little jet-lagged or sweating in the heat of the LA sun, or waiting around set feeling tired I would remind myself that I’m part of a film with Ray Comfort and what a great cause this is.
Meeting the whole team at Living Waters was awesome. They are not only awesome people, but they all have such an incredible heart for the gospel. That’s the good news that Jesus died for our sins. It’s only good news because we first must understand the bad news that is we are all sinners. We have all violated God’s perfect law, the 10 commandments. Where it says, “Do not lie”, all of us have broken that one. Where it says, “Do not steal”, where all guilty of that even if it’s something small we stole as a kid. So we’re all in trouble on judgment day when we stand before a holy, righteous God. We’re all guilty of hell. Because God is a just judge the sentence has to be paid. But he’s also rich in mercy and so therefore the day Jesus died on the cross was a collision of justice and mercy. No amount of good works on our behalf could justify ourselves and set us free from sin. It was Jesus the judge himself who stood down and legally dismissed our case. He wrote our bail check with his blood, his body was broken and he rose from the dead after 3 days.
Our penalty was paid in full by Jesus. For God so loved the world that He gave his only son (Jesus) that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. We now believe by repenting of our sin and turning away completely telling God how sorry we are and then putting our faith and trust in Jesus and giving up our whole lives to Him. There’s nothing greater when we walk this path even though it’s difficult and narrow, we know it leads to life.
My wife and I have not only come back refreshed to be back home after a winter escape to awesome weather and be part of a film, but more ignited than ever to go out and share the gospel. Every Saturday Ray Comfort goes out and open air preaches at Huntington Beach in LA, we got to go and watch and he got me up on the box to share the gospel and share my testimony. It was a real adrenalin rush and I am so grateful for that opportunity. Ray calls that breaking the sound barrier. We now go out every Saturday with a bunch of guys from my church and share the gospel with people in our local neighbourhood.
The film does tackle the issue of homosexuality. I know that it is a very contentious topic but he handles it so well if you watch the above youtube clip. My opinion on the subject is irrelevant because I have aligned my life with the truth of the word of God. It’s a sure, firm foundation to have absolute truth beneath our feet. This isn’t an activist movie, it’s about reaching people who are lost in sin and seeing their lives changed forever by the gospel. Watch the following link too it’s Ray’s first movie The 180 Movie. It’s 30 minutes that will change your life.
This movie Audacity is unique for Ray in that it’s his first scripted movie. It’s an action, comedy, drama, part documentary and has a gospel message. It should be out in May 2015.
Pray that God’s favour will be on this movie. Here’s a few photos from the shoot;
What’s Ben been up to?
Well it’s been a little while since my last blog so here’s an overview to update you. So here’s a few things that have been happening the last 6 months.
Often people ask me where I’m doing shows and the majority of shows I do are corporate events and so I could be doing an awards night as MC or doing a comedy spot or playing one of my characters. These are all over the country and so far this year aside from Melbourne where I live I’ve performed a lot in Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Hunter Valley, Hamilton Island and Darwin.
Hamilton Island was for a great event where I MC’d the Coffee Club’s 25 year conference. It was a fun crowd and great place to be.
Locally I was the face of the Casey City Council Cultural Precinct and launched the naming event as MC and performed with Guy Sebastian. There’s been many youtube videos online promoting it as well as online and print media. Not to mention a few radio commercials using my many characters also.
One of the highlights for me this year has been my trip to the USA. I went to a Christian conference in Colorado at Ellerslie. It was incredible. On my way there I met Ray Comfort and did some funny comedy videos with him.
Next month I go back to the USA to be a part of Ray Comfort’s latest movie Audacity. This will be filmed in LA which will be very exciting. His last movie had over 1.5 million views and no doubt this will be similar.
Also this year I’ve had a couple of spots on Kids WB on Channel Go. That’s been so much fun to do what I love but to do a lot for an audience of kids who love voices like Shrek, Donkey, Homer, Gru, King Julien etc.
The 2nd half of this year is set to be a massive one!
Well being a Dad of 3 beautiful children I look forward to Father’s Day. I often look forward to a nice breakfast in bed but I often get booked to do a gig on Father’s Day morning. This year I had a fantastic gig at Lighthouse Christian Church in Melbourne. One of the 1st jokes I said was, “I love Father’s Day. It’s that one day of the year where Dad’s get to sit back and do nothing all day and just chill out and not help out with all the housework…pretty much just like any other day really.”
I did about 20 minutes of comedy followed by about 20 minutes of being interviewed. This was Pastor Tristan Forrest, not only a great pastor but my best mate also. So it was great to be able to not just give people an insight into who is the real Ben Price, but so good to chat about my Christian Faith. I’d love to share more about my whole testimony of what has happened in my life in the last few years. But I experienced severe anxiety. Tristan was an awesome mate in encouraging me in getting through that extremely difficult and dark time of my life. But of course it was God who really was able to strengthen me in that time and I know as the Psalms say, “When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.”
Now I’m over the anxiety completely and I know it’s only through God that I don’t have to have any fear. It’s such a privilege to bring joy to audiences but even greater being able to inspire people and get them back on track in their relationship with Jesus.
So not only did I have a fantastic gig. They really were a great crowd and very multicultural so they loved the Chinese voice and it seemed to be a big hit doing my Philippines voice. I almost thought I could have filmed another DVD there. But I had an awesome Father’s Day. I got very spoiled by my kids and hanging out with them on a such a nice day was a perfect start to Spring.